comp.Foxpro memo field tables (FoxPro)

Dictionary of computer extensions. 2014.

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  • FPT — may mean:*Fixed parameter tractability, an approach to attacking NP hard problems with multiple inputs * Corporation for Financing and Promoting Technology, the largest company of distributing cell phones in Vietnam, now expanding other fields:… …   Wikipedia

  • .fpt — fpt,   Erweiterung einer Datei, die eine Memofeldliste von FoxPro enthält …   Universal-Lexikon

  • FPT — Die parametrisierte Algorithmik ist ein relativ junges Teilgebiet der theoretischen Informatik, in dem genauer untersucht wird, welche Instanzen von NP vollständigen Problemen effizient zu lösen sind. Dabei wird untersucht, von welchen Faktoren… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • FPT — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom.   Sigles d’une seule lettre   Sigles de deux lettres > Sigles de trois lettres   Sigles de quatre lettres …   Wikipédia en Français

  • FPT University — is a private information technology university in Hanoi City, Vietnam established in 2006.cite news|title=FPT University receives licence|date=2006 09 28|work=Vietnamnet Bridge|publisher=Vietnam News Agency|accessdate=2008 01… …   Wikipedia

  • FPT Industries — was formed in 1939 as Fireproof Tanks Ltd (commonly known as FPT) [http://wck2.companieshouse.gov.uk/abcce2272d1c0fe0fd598099b40c78d9/compdetails] in the boardroom of Airspeed Ltd at Portsmouth Airport in response to an Air Ministry requirement… …   Wikipedia

  • FPT Group — Not to be confused with FPT Industries, an American aerospace engineering company. FPT (FPT:VN) is a multinational information technology company of Vietnam, originally known as Food Processing Technology. One of Vietnam s leading companies,[1]… …   Wikipedia

  • FPT — freight pass through. * * * …   Universalium

  • FPT — Fine Pitch Technology (Academic & Science » Electronics) * Fixed Penalty Ticket (Governmental » Police) * Follow on Production Test (Governmental » Military) * Foundation for Physical Therapy (Community » Non Profit Organizations) * Flash Point… …   Abbreviations dictionary

  • FPT — farnesyl protein transferase; femoropopliteal tibial …   Medical dictionary

  • FPT — Forced Perfect Termination (SCSI) …   Acronyms

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